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Staying Positive in 2024


By: Ken Moore, President/CEO of Anahuac National Bank

Here we are, well into this new year, and given the high likelihood of a very challenging election year ahead of us, there are some things you can do each day to stay positive, improve your mindset, health, and happiness. Having lived through the pandemic to now face an often-unsure world, is it any wonder our positivity is at risk? I’ve always believed that fostering positivity in business is not just a feel-good strategy, but a smart business move with tangible results. A positive workplace contributes to increased productivity, more engaged employees, encouraging each other, problem solving together.

The personal benefits of a positive outlook are far-reaching, including reduced stress, increased motivation, more energy, a stronger immune system, and better relationships overall. So, don’t wait to start working on it, follow these tips to be more positive in 2024.

1. Start the day with positive intentions. Starting the day with positive intentions encourages our brains to filter out negative thoughts and energy.  This will shift your focus away from the negative. Bolster your intentions even more by writing down what you want to achieve.

2. Practice gratitude. Regular gratitude practice can help rewire our brain to look for the positive. Try to find two or three things you are grateful for every evening, and don’t limit it to things you own. Gratitude can boost your self-esteem, benefiting your happiness and relationships with others.

3. Take a social media break. I know this may be the hardest thing to do in our hyper-connected world. Social media is full of news and will soon be heavy on election-related content. Even the things we agree on can add to our general distress, distraction, and exhaustion. Take a break from it, take a walk, or read a book.

4. Limit your news consumption. Set aside time to disconnect from news media, particularly if you find yourself becoming distraught, emotional, or anxious. Living in a state of high stress is harmful to your physical and emotional health. Focus on things you have direct control over, like your daily routine and your relationships.

5. Go on a good news diet. Whether it’s an update on the rising cost of living or comparing yourself to an old friend’s ‘perfect life’ on social media, what we see and hear has an effect on our outlook on life. Be careful what you share and use social media for connections that are nurturing and supportive—or share funny cat videos and hunting tips!

6. Plan ahead. Did you know that planning can lead to happier personal relationships, greater financial security, and less work-related stress? I find it to be a great time saver: spending 15 or 20 minutes in the morning to plan your day allows you to set a clear direction, maximize your time, and helps you stay on track with your goals.

It's human nature to be pessimistic at times, but don’t let negativity become your default mode. A positive, optimistic outlook seeks solutions and can move you forward. If you find negativity creeping in, take a few calming breaths and remember your gratitude list. Zig Ziglar probably said it best, “Positive thinking will let you do everything better that negative thinking will.” Let’s all work on staying positive, it will sure make those bad days more bearable. We thank you for banking with us at Anahuac National Bank and always appreciate the trust you place in us.